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Speech Therapy & Dyslexia Services
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07742 915921

Helping Children, Teens & Young Adults Communicate & Learn

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Speech Therapy & Dyslexia Services - Philosophy & Approach

I offer a comprehensive and personalised service to older children, teens and young adults whose differences in language, communicating and learning create challenges in their everyday lives.

My aim is to develop understanding, mobilise creativity and remove barriers so each young person has the best possible chance of reaching their potential and leading a fulfilling life. My belief is that we achieve this collaboratively through a shared commitment to listening, exploring choices and responsibilities, honesty and realism.

My approach is based on the person-centred principle that change and growth happens when a child or young adult feels truly valued and understood in relationships which are warm, trusted and secure. From here, each young person can find their own unique resourcefulness and engage fully with their experiences, including opportunities for learning and social connection.

Working with young people, their families and schools is a process of continuous learning in which therapy evolves with progress and in response to transitions. My knowledge, experience and interests are particularly suited to assessment, therapy and teaching relating to:

The common strand is preserving a young person’s sense of self-worth and belonging whilst building their independence and resilience. Our words really do matter to how young people feel about themselves and how they function in the world around them.

You have been amazing for our son – you have made a big difference to his life and life chances – he is so lucky to have found you.

looking down a boy and girl lying on grass  taking to the camera

Assessment, Therapy & Training Services


Assessment is the starting point for all therapy and can also be arranged on a one-off consultative basis. My aim is to ensure that assessment is a positive and individual experience. To this end, I offer a range of assessments which are responsive to need and purpose. I provide a written report and recommendations following every assessment, the depth and scope of which depend on which service you choose.

The following will give you an overview of how I work and the range of assessments available:

Speech & Language and Dyslexia Assessments

Spoken language and communication skills underpin many aspects of learning and are particularly important for reading, writing and spelling. I offer assessments which focus on either spoken language or literacy or both spoken and written language. This includes full diagnostic assessment for dyslexia in pre- and post 16s and, in consultation with schools and colleges, assessing for exam access arrangements.

Your report is a work of art and I fully understand what you have been able to put forward so clearly about our son’s difficulties with language.

Group of school students collaborating on a project

Social Learning and Communication Assessments

Social learning does not always keep pace with language learning. Sometimes assessment is most usefully focused on social thinking and communication skills. I offer assessments which draw together information from home and school about how a child or young person makes sense of and engages in their social world.

Everything now makes sense and it is really helpful to know her strengths and weaknesses in such detail.

Professional Witness and Expert Witness Reports

I have supported many families through the process of application, assessment and production of an EHC plan. These assessments are by necessity detailed and written reports adhere to legal guidance on excellence in written evidence.

Please also read Services and Fees 2023, Assessment - What to Expect and Young Person - FAQs for more information or contact me for an initial discussion which is free of charge.

Thank you so much for such a great and detailed report, it gives us some great ways to help her and will mean life should get easier for her.

3 Friends sitting on a step, enjoying

Therapy & Specialist Teaching

When assessment highlights a need, I will create an engaging, meaningful and effective therapy programme which complements each child or young person’s strengths and interests and is suited to their situation and needs.

All my therapy works towards clear and fully-negotiated outcomes following clinical guidelines and evidence-based practice. I maintain close links with home and school to promote excellent communication and joint working. I continuously reflect on and review how we are working together and aim to ensure each young person and key members of their support system can fully explore their choices and take ownership of their programme.

As therapy is personalised, the nature and extent of my involvement with each child or young person varies. When therapy ends, you will have a complete written record of our progress together and are most welcome to contact me again at any point in the future.

You have been truly wonderful for our daughter, in fact without question, for us all.

Group of school students collaborating on a project

Schools & Colleges

Commissioned Services

I am directly commissioned by some Local Authorities, schools and colleges to provide the speech and language therapy specified for an individual child or young person on their Education, Health and Care Plan. I also work in partnership with schools and colleges to enhance their Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) local offer.

This service is fully negotiated and unique to the setting and its learners. It often involves promoting an anxiety-free, communication and dyslexia friendly learning environment and facilitating targeted provision for learners with language, communication and social learning needs in addition to therapy and assessment with specific learners.

I have been so impressed with all you have done and with your thorough approach to each and every facet of your work.

Group of older school students collaborating on a project

Training & Continuing Professional Development

My approach to continuing professional development is responsive to the structure and needs of different organisations. I have extensive experience of providing accredited training and also designing customised training in schools. I also offer workshops and short courses for students to attend with a parent, carer or older sibling.

Sarah has been a wonderful tutor. She explained the course in excellent detail and was always available to help in any way possible. Everyone felt comfortable to be involved and ask questions.

Young school girls responding to teacher in lesson time
A group of young adults sharing a conversation

About Sarah Murray

I worked as a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in the education sector and qualified as a Specialist Teacher and Assessor of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties before setting up my independent practice in 2000.

I am a registered member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT), Association for Independent Speech and Language Therapists (ASLTIP) and Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (PATOSS).

I work in accordance with all their professional standards including continuing professional development. I follow best practice guidelines in relation to my own supervision, subscribe to the DBS update service and regularly update my mandatory training.

My professional qualifications include a BSc (Joint Hons.) in Speech and Psychology, an MSc in Human Communication, an OCR Diploma for Teachers of Learners with Specific Learning Difficulties, a Postgraduate Certificate in Special Education: Autism (Children) and a Higher Education Certificate in Counselling. I also hold a PATOSS SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate and have completed Advanced Masterclass Training in Selective Mutism.

Your practice is of an exceptionally high standard and as a parent it is an enormous relief to be able to have total confidence in the professionals helping your child.

Portrait of Sarah Murray, speech therapist
Young boy reading a book, concentrating

Essential Information

Below are links to download documents relating to the service offered:

Get in touch with Sarah…

To make an enquiry please complete the form below or call 07742 915921 for a free initial consultation.

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school boy taking notes, working from a laptop computer